Believe you can!
Littledown Special School
Queens Road
Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3QW
Telephone: 01753 521734
Email: post@littledown.slough.sch.uk
All general enquiries for The Specialist Education Trust or Littledown School, should be, in the first instance, directed to our Administration team.
Contact Details for Key Staff:
SENCo - Sally Trevena - 07814769791
Assistant Head Teacher for Behaviour and Inclusion - Toby Davies - 07795442418
Assistant Head Teacher for Pupil Progress - Nichola Heaffey - 0786747310
Finance Office - 01753 521734
Annual Reviews & IEP appointments - Dawn Akerman - 01753 521734
Uniform - Dawn Akerman - 01753 521734
Payments, school meals & medication - Clair Hodghton - 01753 521734