Believe you can!
The Primary Inclusion Panel meets each month during term time to discuss referrals of primary age pupils who may require alternative provision or support in their current school. The panel considers pupils with SEN and those with an EHCP and consultations from other LA’s about places at Littledown. Pupils are included on the Inclusion Panel agenda following referrals from Slough schools. The purpose of the meeting is to make a decision that will ensure the pupil remains in mainstream education if possible or is provided with education suitable to their needs.
Pupils to be considered at Inclusion Panel:
The list below includes most of the categories of pupils who will be considered at the panel although it is not exhaustive. Other pupils will be considered on a case by case basis.
(a) Pupils who have been permanently excluded
(b) Pupils at imminent risk of permanent exclusion where some or all of the following apply:
• A PSP is in place
• There have been fixed term exclusions
• Appropriate external agencies such as SEBDOS are involved
(c) Pupils out of education
Referral Process
Littledown School receive referrals from schools on a Inclusion panel referral form about pupils who are at risk of exclusion or not receiving education. An agenda is circulated in advance and further information provided at the meeting. Schools should already have provided a chronological list of incidents on the referral form and an EP report if available.