“Believe You Can” – Littledown School Motto

Mission Statement
The School has four Core Tasks which are our mission:
Inclusion through Equality of Opportunity
- Valuing each person as an individual worthy of respect
- Nurturing every aspect of people’s personalities and characters
- Giving equal opportunity to be included in every aspect of the school curriculum, following national targets but sometimes by special routes
- Preparing every person for the opportunities, responsibilities and expectations of a fulfilling adult life
- Being an open and welcoming community

Raising Standards and Sustaining Improvement
Through the teaching, learning, care and life of the school.
With pupils, staff, parents, governors and the wider community:
- SPIRITUALLY – developing a sense of wonder, appreciation and personal faith
- MORALLY – recognising right and wrong, developing values and an active conscience
- CULTURALLY – appreciating people from differing background, cultures and races, their lifestyles and interests
- COGNITIVELY – gaining self-control, knowledge, understanding and thinking skills to adapt, respond and reason
- PHYSICALLY – taking on healthy, fit and safe lifestyles and developing physical skills and co-ordination
- SOCIALLY – learning to relate easily and responsibly to a variety of people to both contribute to and receive from the community with confidence
- EMOTIONALLY – recognising causes of feelings, learning to share them in others and ourselves and to control our reactions

- Looking at what we do well and what we could do better
- Learning how to be self-evaluating, to set targets and to achieve them
- Changing as a result of self-evaluation both individually and as a school community
- Investing in the quality of the process without being outcome-oriented but achieving our own and nationally agreed targets

Compassionate Care in an Educational Environment
- Ensuring the safety and well-being of our pupils, staff and visitors
- Helping break cycles of hopelessness and despair that pupils and parents/carers may experience
- Identifying and overcoming barriers to learning
- Replacing low self-esteem with confidence
- Accepting people, valuing individual strengths even where others may have been rejected
- Working together truthfully, openly, fairly and supportively with forgiveness, mediation and restoration
- Providing a safe, stimulating and happy environment which we can all share
- Recognising our limitations and seeking additional help and support where appropriate