Believe you can!
Littledown is a special school which supports children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH).
Littledown School is currently funded for up to 38 primary aged pupils (4-11 years), with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHC). The school is also funded for 10 Alternative Provision places for primary aged pupils who are at risk of exclusion from a mainstream primary school. We aim to empower pupils with self-confidence, developing their ability to respect others and themselves. This empowerment will help pupils learn to manage their emotional and behavioural difficulties in a range of settings and situations.
The school follows the National Curriculum, differentiated for individual pupils where necessary. Curriculum events enrich the pupils’ learning – these include music days, community days with local agencies such as "Together As One" (Aik Saath), Enterprise Days and Sports and Well-being days.
The school works closely with parents in order to fully support the holistic needs of the individual child, sometimes working within the family.
We offer a range of support programmes including; full time provision, dual placements, assessment and reintegration programmes, and a nurture provision. We aim to support any primary aged child who is a Slough resident or placed within a Slough School who is at risk of permanent exclusion.
Mainstream schools that have identified a pupil as being at risk of permanent exclusion can make a referral for support from Littledown and any of it's provisions by completing an Inclusion Panel Referral Form and submitting it to the Primary Inclusion Panel. This panel is held monthly.